Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thermotron - Middle Management Suck-Ups holland michigan perverts and more

thermotron management - Destination - your time as a thermotron lier and thief


Detect Lies Like LIE TO ME! - Scam School-- Thermotron management training--


sure -- get your training at thermotron-- with thomas bannach and

roger cannady and his associates-- as Gregory V Johnson -- bragged that
it's ok to lie-- cheat-- steal and rob your co workers and the

Hil sybesma said he had the same problem as thomas bannach-- and they went to each others "church"

Dave Water field -- the roger cannady "replacement" said that the
offices that roger cannady and associates -- managed -- stood out "like a
sour thumb"

because of the robbery thief and embezzlement-- and Roger cannady -- denied to on "one" single field service engineer man on the west coast that asked him about the embezzlement!!

Roger cannady and thomas Bannach -- then libled and slander that Man-- for asking a "question " like that!!

yes After that  that MAN   was "drumed out"   he worked worked at Russles technical Products--

and when Bill Bench asked why he left Thermotron employment--

Bill Bench was "surprised " that he said that thomas bannach and his gang-- HAD a problem with--

lying cheating stealing and back stabbing his co workers

1 comment:

training at thermotron surely seems like improving not only the working
condition for all the people but it may also increase quality
communication among employees.

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